I have been into radio since the age of 14, when I used my father's CB for the first time.  I quickly became hooked and my station went from strength to strength. At the age of 17 I learned what sideband was and pirated 11 meters on a regular basis before I learned what amateur radio was. My station used to consist of a Kenwood TS-450SAT and a Bremi BRL500 and a Sirio 827 vertical aerial. Nice and legal NOT! It wasn't until early 2005 when a good friend suggested that I should become a licensed amateur and take my foundation course. I took him up on the offer and in April 2005 I passed my foundation exam and was issued the callsign M3JXW. I started by using VHF and UHF but quickly became bored.  I needed DX! I eventually plucked up the courage to operate on HF with my 10 watts using the ATU in my TS-450SAT to tune my non-resonant vertical antenna with moderate success. I needed more! 3 months later I sat the intermediate exam and passed in July 2005. I requested the callsign 2E0RDW as they are my initials and luckily it was not already issued. 2E0RDW was on the air with 50 watts.  I upgraded my aerial to a G5RV and began working a little more DX but still needed more.  After successive radio and aerial upgrades I found my feet on HF and decided it was for me but I still wanted more! It took until December 2006 to find the time and study for the advanced exam but I passed first time with much relief and here I am now as M0RDW. I use most bands between 80m and 70cm and have in excess of 200 DXCC confirmed. I like to think my station is good but I'm sure there is still plenty of room for improvement! Enough of the boring crap, have a browse through the site and I hope you enjoy it!